As the last three months have flown by, Clínica Betania has been immeasurably blessed not only by the joyful faithfulness of our staff in the clinic’s daily operations, but also by the presence and service of incoming medical teams.
In the beginning July, Amanda Metcalf started serving with us part-time as a nurse practitioner from Dallas, Texas. She has been serving Chrisitan Health Service Corps. We are thankful for her desire to join our team in caring for the needy in our community.

Also in July, Grace Community Fellowship helped to staff a general medicine brigade at the clinic. They had served in Honduras for many years and were eager to come back and serve our people. It was a sweet time to see Dr. Dan Voss and his team serve so selflessly, allowing for 323 patients to receive both medical care and the Gospel within our doors.

Dr. Andres Jimenez from Faith Community Church also provided chiropractic care to 38 patients at the clinic, a specialty not often offered to our patients and thus a great blessing when made available to them.
In August, a total of 205 patients were treated as we continued to serve our community in the time between short-term mission groups.
A special blessing within this month was the arrival of Seth, a three-month intern from Colorado, whose labor of love was setting up our electronic medical records. As Seth served at the clinic almost daily, he befriended our staff, shone as a bright light of Jesus Christ, and demonstrated a servant’s heart in every capacity.
In September, Seth had the sweet opportunity to work alongside his home church, as we were graced with the presence of New Life Bible Church from Pueblo, CO. Dr. Andrew Comerci of Integrity Dental, Inc. and his dental team attended 72 patients between the two brigades hosted at Clínica Betania and El Socorro de lo Alto, a local church. As they tended to the communities’ physical needs of extractions and fillings, they also shared the Gospel with patients, exposing their spiritual need of a Savior.
On September 29, we had the great opportunity to have a staff retreat, it was long overdue but we enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship while enjoying the Lord's creation. As a plus, Nikoah was able to join us as she was here for quick visit on a break from her medical treatment. What a blessing it is for us to serve together.
By God’s grace and in His strength, we have tended to 1,175 patients this quarter and are thrilled by how the Lord is working in our local communities. It has been a joy to serve alongside the global church throughout this time, as we have labored for the sake of His name together, witnessed confessions of faith together, and shared in the joys of faith and faithfulness together. We couldn’t do what we do without them, and without you, our faithful prayer warriors and supporters. Thank you!
If you would like to learn more about any of the projects available in the coming year and how you can get involved, please visit our Opportunities and Projects pages. For more information, you can also reach us at or follow the Contact link on our menu bar.
To God be the glory!