Hi, my name is Adrienne Owens, I'm a 3-month intern with SEPE International. During my time here I will be assisting Clinica Betania with social media and outreach! I haven't been here very long yet but it has been a huge blessing to watch how God is working through the mission of Clinica Betania to reach the people of Honduras. In the months of April to June, the Lord has continued in His provision. We have been so blessed by the support that we have received and have been able to provide. That does mean these months have been busy and we are very sorry for the delayed update.

At the beginning of April Dr. Grace and Amanda, our family nurse practitioner, set off to a jungle village to provide general medicine care for the people in that community. This was a one-week medical brigade from April 6th to April 13th. As a clinic, we were happy to offer support in providing medicine and medical equipment.

We are thankful to say that in May we began offering gynecology services on a bi-weekly basis. Dr. Leslie Aguilar has been so gracious to come to Clinica Betania to extend her services to our patients. It has been well received and such a gift to have the opportunity to expand the assistance that we are able to provide.
May 4th to June 1st we had the blessing of receiving Courtney Ropp, a one month intern with SEPE. Back in the states she is a nursing student so during her time here she was able to be a part of daily activities, like take vitals, assist in procedures, and restock supplies. These tasks allowed her to practice her Spanish with patients as well. We were so sad to see her go but are grateful for the impact that she made through her willingness to follow the Lord calling her to Honduras.

Throughout these months we were accompanied by many churches that continually choose to invest in us and our mission, but in May we also had the chance to begin a new partnership with Twin City Church of Winston, NC. They came to us through SEPE International to provide a dental brigade. A total of 164 patients were treated by the hands of those from Twin City Church. Their eagerness to be of service alone was a picture of the Lord's love, but more importantly they took the time to share the good news of Christ. Our prayer is that lives were, and will continue to be, changed because of this.
With open arms we welcomed back Dr. Jeremy Thomas and his team from Intergrity Dental in Pueblo, CO. who are partnered with New Life Bible Church. Dr. Thomas and his team along with local church volunteer Dr. Raquel Madrid were able to come alongside Job, a seminary student at MEDA, in the mountain village of Potrerillos. Acknowledging the spiritual needs, Job is in the process of planting a church in Potrerillos. Praise the Lord for Dr. Thomas' team and Job for their desire to meet physical needs through a 2-day outdoor dental clinic where 225 patients were attended.
We had the pleasure of 2 interns, Jessica Ferguson and Keyla McNair, joining our team for the month of June. Jessica is an emergency nurse from Mississippi and Keyla is a nursing student from Ohio. They are connected with us through a partnering ministry that our very own Dr. Grace is involved in. Throughout their mission here they served in outdoor clinics and daily tasks. We are filled with so much gratitude for their passion to use the gifts given to them from the Lord to serve others.

June 10th and 11th, Grace Community Church from Jacksonville, FL stopped by again for an evangelism and general medicine trip. The group of an emergency doctor, family doctor, nurse practitioner, family nurse practitioner, and nurse partnered with members of the church to treat 168 people and be the hands and feet of God.

To wrap up this quarter, another returning church; Living Hope from Issaquah, WA, worked with us to extend assistance through dentistry and ophthalmology by attending to 319 patients. It was a week filled with work and fellowship as they also joined forces with the church to pour into the kids through a Vacation Bible School.

In these three months we were able to treat 195 odontology patients, 420 general medicine patients, and 261 ophthalmology patients for a total of 867 patients treated just through brigades! Overall we attended to 542 general medicine, 21 odontology, and 10 gynecology patients. Without the help from groups, interns, donors, and the faithfulness of the Lord it would not have been possible for us to treat 1,459 patients. Our hearts overflow with gratitude for you who are willing to join in on our mission to not only meet physical needs but spiritual needs as well.
