In this last report of the year, we reflect on team updates from the past few months at Clínica Betania, as well as upcoming partnerships that the Lord has graciously orchestrated. Through it all, we celebrate His goodness in sustaining & guiding the growth of this ministry.
In October, we were joined by Melissa Birchfield, a one-month intern at MIM (MEDA International Missions). She helped us set up an inventory system to monitor the quantities and expiration dates for each of the 300+ medications in our pharmacy. The system will allow us to track our monthly sales, purchases, & donations so that we can steward well the resources that we have been given. Thank you, Melissa!
This quarter we also welcomed Nikoah Crowe, a certified clinical medical assistant from East Tennessee. She has spent the last four years as a part-time missionary nurse in Honduras, learning Spanish and transitioning into full-time ministry. In His timing, the Lord opened this opportunity for her to serve at Clínica Betania where she desires to see patients find spiritual as well as physical healing. We are thrilled to have her join the team!
A final team update… in December we said goodbye to Jorge Silva, a SEPE (Seminary for Expository Preaching) graduate from Colombia. For the past year, we have been blessed to have him lead our Biblical counseling ministry at the clinic. He has met with patients on a regular basis, offering a Biblical perspective on their circumstances and, above all, pointing them to Christ. Now, the Lord has called him to return to Colombia and build up the church there. We praise the Lord for his faithful service at Clínica Betania!
Looking ahead to the next year, we already have many short-term groups lined up for medical, dental, and vision brigades. Praise God for these ongoing relationships with brothers & sisters in Christ! He truly supplies all our needs. If you would like to learn about getting involved as a church or individual, please see our Opportunities page. For more information, you can also reach us at or follow the Contact link on our menu bar.
In addition, we would like to share about a partnership in the works: we have agreed to work alongside Sharing Resources Worldwide, an organization with a long history of medical missions in several countries around the world. They hope to bring their medical missions to Betania Clinic, through the year, bolstering our capacity to reach the community for Christ. Our hope is that together we can provide health services to children who live in poverty in nearby villages, cities, and all over the country. After prayerfully considering this partnership for several months, we are excited to have reached an agreement with them. We are thankful for SRW and their desire to serve those in need here in Honduras and for considering our ministry as a partner to fulfill their mission here.
This quarter, we saw a total of 355 patients. It was a fruitful end to a year of ministry. Here are some overall statistics from the year, summarized below.
Biblical counseling sessions: 52
Dental patients: 89 Daily clinic patients: 1621 Brigade patients: 1101 Total patients reached: 2811
We had a 16% increase in the number of patients who received medical attention, this year compared to last year, praise the Lord!
As we close out 2022, we are filled with gratitude for the Lord’s constant provision. It is a privilege to be His hands & feet, bringing the hope of the gospel to our surrounding community. We crave your prayers for this next year. May we remain grounded in our gospel mission — the heart of Clínica Betania since the beginning — amidst the inevitable changes that come with expanding our operations, formalizing partnerships and experiencing busy times.
To God be the Glory!